Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Fun and Other Musings

I haven't posted much from a personal perspective lately, so I thought I should. Today our little X-man is 2 months old. He's another big boy, 13.5 pounds and such a happy baby. Well....except when he's sitting with his big bro and sis on Easter and tired of being asked to smile. Brother M thought it was all hysterical.

Easter was a big hit. The bunny left the kids some great WAHM gifts--stuffed BV bunnies from Beneath The Rowan Tree and we also found some faerie items in the garden while on our egg hunt (also from BTRT). We all decided that a faerie must have been helping the bunny hide eggs. When she got tired, she took off her slippers, had a sip of water from her goblet and set her crown and wand down to take a rest. She left all of this and flew off in a hurry. We're holding it for her now just in case she returns looking for it.

Babymooning has been wonderful though. He's a good sleeper compared to the others, so I was really relieved about that. We're in a good groove with our schedules, school, work and such. If only I could figure out how to deal with the wild moods of a 5-year old girl, I'd be doing great! If it's like this at 5 I'm in real trouble when she turns 15.

We've had a few days of fantastic spring weather, spending as much time outside as possible. Too bad I can't take my sewing room out there. It's perfect--clear skies, 65° and just the tiniest hint of a breeze. The flowers are blooming, the trees are just starting to bud and the birds and other little critters are out playing. And, it's calling me now, so I better cut this off.

But I can't leave the post without something work related included, so here's a shot of the X-man snuggled up in his hooded towel. ;)

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