Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Labels are Here!

Well, I'm officially official! My current clients know that I have hesitated to include labels on my products to date. Why? you might ask. Well, I did a lot of testing of various diaper designs in order to find the perfect diaper for my family. My goal was something that performed better than other prefolds but that was also very easy to use. Part of that ease of use for me is the ability to throw them in the wash, into the dryer, and then pull them out of the dryer and just fold them in half and stuff them into the changing table drawer. When I change my son, I simply reach into the drawer and put a diaper on him. There is no front, back, up and down to any of them. They are the same fabric on both sides, no side seams or serging. I think this makes for a better diaper, especially for those looking to save time and effort in their diapering routine. The moment I put a label on my diaper, there is automatically a front, back, up and down to worry about. After all, you don't want a label scratching your poor little one's back or tummy!

After lots of requests and a long time deliberating, I will be providing the option for labels on all custom diaper orders. The labeling will also include a s, m and l label for easy size identification, which will help those with two or more in diapers. I will also be adding labels to my Cuddle Blankets(tm), towels and clothing, but not to my wipes (lol!).

So, for those who have been waiting, the labels are here! I will not be adding labels to the diapers that I stock on Tickety Bu, this way, everyone gets what they want. ;)

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